A beautiful day to partner with Sayville Target and Rotary Club of Sayville Volunteers to Clean-Up nine (9) bags of trash outside Target, including one (1) dead racoon later picked up by Town of Islip Animal Control. From Sunrise Highway, down to the entrance of San Souci County Park, this team spent 40 minutes cleaning in and around the fence with safety protocols in mind.
All were instructed by Sayville Rotarians on how to safely protect themselves from ticks, more common now in the off season, wearing Tyvek Suit bottoms and outdoor spray all generously donated from Target. It was a happy sight to be seen, as Pete from Sayville drove up to thank the volunteers, below. Target Volunteer Leader Adriana and team were instrumental in providing the use of Target's legal containers to rid all the garbage. We look forward to a continued partnership to strive to keep this area and other streets clean all year round.
Further, on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, Sayville Rotary will be cleaning up San Souci County Park, starting at 9:00am with the help of Sayville Cub Scouts, the Sea Cadets and the Bayport Bluepoint Interact Club. Complimentary bagel breakfast and beverages for all participants at the Sayville Athletic Club located on Railroad Avenue, Sayville immediately afterward. Thank you!